recommends the following:
- Keep the lifecycle of the session separate and external from functions and objects that access and/or manipulate database data.
- Make sure you have a clear notion of where transactions begin and end, and keep transactions short, meaning, they end at the series of a sequence of operations, instead of being held open indefinitely.
automatically manages the session lifecycle:
- If the request is successful, the session is committed.
- If the request fails, the session is rolled back.
- In all cases, at the end of the request, the session is closed and the associated connection is returned to the connection pool.
To learn more about SQLAlchemy
A dependency used exclusively in endpoints to get an SQLAlchemy
is a FastAPI
that provides an asynchronous SQLAlchemy
By defining an argument with type Session
in an endpoint, FastAPI
will automatically
inject an SQLAlchemy
async session into the endpoint.
At the end of request handling:
- If no exceptions are raised, the session is automatically committed.
- If an exception is raised, the session is automatically rolled back.
- In alls cases, the session is closed and the associated connection is returned to the connection pool.
@app.get("/heros/{hero_id}", response_model=Item[HeroItem])
async def get_items(
session: Session, # (1)!
item_id: int,
hero = await session.get(Hero, hero_id)
return {"data": hero}
- Just define an argument with type
to get an async session injected in your endpoint.
Recommendation: Unless there is a good reason to do so, avoid committing the session
manually, as FastSQLA
handles it automatically.
If you need data generated by the database server, such as auto-incremented IDs, flush the session instead:
@app.post("/heros", response_model=Item[HeroItem])
async def create_item(session: Session, new_hero: HeroBase):
hero = Hero(**new_hero.model_dump())
await session.flush()
return {"data": hero}
Or use the session context manager instead.
context manager¶
An asynchronous context manager that opens a new SQLAlchemy
async session.
To the contrary of the Session
dependency which can only be
used in endpoints, open_session
can be used anywhere such as in background tasks.
On exit, it automatically commits the session if no errors occur inside the context, or rolls back when an exception is raised. In all cases, it closes the session and returns the associated connection to the connection pool.